21a Rough Hey Road, Grimsargh, Preston, PR2 5AR
01772 700607

VW Breakers Preston

VW Scrap yard and spare parts

VW BREAKERS PRESTONBest prices for scrap VWs submitted to Allstar Breakers in Preston

Scrap Your VW In Preston

Allstar Breakers offers the best prices for all scrap VWs submitted to our scrap and breakers yard in Preston.

The price we quote for your car is driven by two different factors. One factor is the global price of scrap metal that is set by the tonne. The second factor we consider is the amount of quality parts that we would be able to salvage from the car and then advertise as available for people looking spare parts.

Scrap Car Collection

Our scrap car delivery van operates across the North West and is ready and available to pick up your car.  If you would like us to come and collect your VW for scrapping and breaking, please give us a call on 01772 700 607 or through the contact form on the website and get a no obligation quote.

We have a delivery truck available to collect cars that are situated within a 70 mile radius of our scrap yard in Preston.

If you accept our quote we will come and pick up your car and leave you with your money for your vehicle, before environmentally breaking and scrapping your car.

VolksWagon Spare Parts

Allstar Breakers has hundreds of spare Volkswagon parts on our shelves that are ready to be dispatched straight to your door!

Due to the amount of VW’s we pick up weekly for scrapping and breaking means that we have lots of high quality spare parts available for many different models of Volkswagon.

All used parts that we advertise as for sale on the are quality checked to the highest order, meaning that you can rest assured any parts bought from us will be in top working order.

If you are not happy with the part that we supply, we will behappy to send a replacement of the same, or better quality. If no suitable alternative is available, we will ofcourse offer a full refund.